[1] | V.A. Yastrebov, "Numerical Methods in Contact Mechanics", WILEY-ISTE (2013). [bibtex] [@ISTE] [@Wiley] [@google.books] [@amazon.com] [@amazon.fr] |
[2] | V.A. Yastrebov, "Méthodes numériques en contact micromécanique" book chapter in "Modélisation numérique en mécanique fortement non linéaire: Contact et rupture" Eds. J. Besson, E. Lorentz, F. Lebon, ISTE (2023). [@HAL] [@ISTE] [pdf] English version of the chapter "Numerical Methods in Micromechanical Contact" in "Numerical Methods for Strong Nonlinearities in Mechanics: Contact and Fracture"" Eds. J. Besson, E. Lorentz, F. Lebon, ISTE (2024). [@Wiley] |
[1] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel. "A local contact detection technique for very large contact and self-contact problems: sequential and parallel implementations". in G. Zavarise and P.Wriggers, ed., Trends in Computational Contact Mechanics ser. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 58:227-251 (2011). [doi] [bibtex] [pdf] |
[2] ![]() |
V.A. Yastrebov, J. Durand, H. Proudhon, G. Cailletaud. "Rough surface contact analysis by means of the Finite Element Method and of a new reduced model". Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 339:473-490 (2011). [doi] [bibtex] [pdf] |
[3] | D.S. Kammer, V.A. Yastrebov, P. Spijker, J.F. Molinari. "On the propagation of slip fronts at frictional interfaces". Tribology Letters, 48(1):27-32 (2012). [doi] [bibtex] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[4] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari. "Contact between representative rough surfaces". Physical Review E, 86(3):035601 (2012). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[5] | P. A. Sabnis, S. Forest, N. K. Arakere, V.A. Yastrebov. "Crystal plasticity analysis of cylindrical indentation on a Ni-base single crystal superalloy". International Journal of Plasticity, 51:200-217 (2013). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] |
[6] | A.M. Aragon, V.A. Yastrebov, J.F. Molinari. "A constrained-optimization methodology for the detection phase in contact mechanics simulations". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 96(5):323-338 (2013). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] |
[7] | D.S. Kammer, V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari. "The existence of a critical length scale in regularised friction". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 63:40-50 (2014). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[8] | V.A. Yastrebov, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Cailletaud, T. Antretter. "The role of phase interface energy in martensitic transformations: a lattice Monte-Carlo simulation". Mechanics Research Communications, 56:37-41 (2014). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[9] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari. "The contact of elastic regular wavy surfaces revisited". Tribology Letters, 56:171-183 (2014). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[10] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari. "From infinitesimal to full contact between rough surfaces: evolution of the contact area". International Journal of Solids and Structures, 52:83-102 (2015). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[11] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, H. Proudhon, F.S. Mballa Mballa, S. Noël, Ph. Testé, F. Houzé. "Three-level multi-scale modeling of electrical contacts: sensitivity study and experimental validation". In Proceedings of the Holm 2015 61st IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, 414-422 (2015). [doi] [pdf] |
[12] | V.A. Yastrebov. "Sliding without slipping under Coulomb friction: opening waves and inversion of frictional force". Tribology Letters, 62(1):1-8 (2016) [doi] [bibtex] [url] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[13] | B.L. Boyce, S.L.B. Kramer, T.R. Bosiljevac, E. Corona, ..., V. Chiaruttini, M. Mazière, S. Feld-Payet, V.A. Yastrebov, J. Besson, J.L. Chaboche, ... "The Second Sandia Fracture Challenge: Predictions of Ductile Failure under Quasi-Static and Moderate-Rate Dynamic Loading". International Journal of Fracture, 198(1):5-100 (2016). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] |
[14] | D. Tkalich, G. Cailletaud, V.A. Yastrebov, A. Kane "A micromechanical constitutive modeling of WC hardmetals using finite-element and uniform field models". Mechanics of Materials, 105:166-187 (2017). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] |
[15] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari. "On the accurate computation of the true contact area in mechanical contact of random rough surfaces". Tribology International, 114:161-171 (2017). [doi] [bibtex] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[16] | D. Tkalich, A. Kane, A. Saai, V.A. Yastrebov, M. Hokka, V.T. Kuokkala, M. Bengtsson, A. From, C. Oelgardt, Ch. C. Li "Wear of cemented tungsten carbide percussive drill-bit inserts: laboratory and field study". Wear, 386:106-117 (2017). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] |
[17] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari. "The role of the roughness spectral breadth in elastic contact of rough surfaces". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 107:469-493 (2017). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [arXiv] [pdf], Corrigendum (2021): [doi] |
[18] | D. Tkalich, V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, A. Kane. "Multiscale Modeling of Cemented Tungsten Carbide in Hard Rock Drilling". International Journal of Solids and Structures, 128:282-295 (2017). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] |
[19] | A.I. Vakis, V.A. Yastrebov, J. Scheibert, L. Nicola, D. Dini, C. Minfray, A. Almqvist, M. Paggi, S. Lee, G. Limbert ... M. Mueser, M. Ciavarella. "Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview". Tribology International, 125:169-199 (2018). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] |
[20] | A.G. Shvarts, V.A. Yastrebov. "Fluid flow across a wavy channel brought in contact". Tribology International, 126:116-126 (2018). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] [arXiv] |
[21] | A.G. Shvarts, V.A. Yastrebov. "Trapped fluid in contact interface". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 119:140-162 (2018). [doi] [bibtex] [url] [pdf] [arXiv] |
[22] | A. Sergeant, V.A. Yastrebov, A. Mangeney, O. Castelnau, J.P. Montagner, E. Stutzmann. "Numerical modeling of iceberg capsize responsible for glacial earthquakes". Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123:3013-3033 (2018). [doi] [url] [pdf] |
[23] | V.A. Yastrebov. "The Elastic Contact of Rough Spheres Investigated Using a Deterministic Multi-Asperity Model". Journal of Multiscale Modelling (2019), 10(1):1841002. [doi] [arXiv] [pdf] |
[24] | A. Sergeant, A. Mangeney, V.A. Yastrebov, F. Walter, J.-P. Montagner, O. Castelnau, E. Stutzmann, P. Bonnet, V.J.L. Ralaiarisoa, S. Bevan, A. Luckman. "Monitoring Greenland ice-sheet buoyancy-driven calving discharge using glacial earthquakes". Annals of Glaciology, 60(79):75-95 (2019). Open access. [doi] [pdf] |
[25] | P. Bonnet, V.A. Yastrebov, P. Queutey, A. Leroyer, A. Mangeney, O. Castelnau, A. Sergeant, E. Stutzmann, J.-P. Montagner "Modeling iceberg capsize in open ocean". Geophysical Journal International, 223(2):1265-1287 (2020). [arXiv] [doi] |
[26] | A.G. Shvarts, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov. "Computational framework for monolithic coupling for thin fluid flow in contact interfaces". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 379:113738 (2021). [arXiv] [doi], supplementary videos |
[27] ![]() |
V.A. Yastrebov. "Wave propagation through an elastically-asymmetric architected material". CR Mécanique (2022), 350(1):1-26. Diamond Open Access. [doi] [pdf] [arXiv], supplementary data, scripts and figures |
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B. Beguin, V.A. Yastrebov. "Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Complex-Shaped Contact Spots". CR Mécanique, 353:195-234 (2025). [doi] [pdf] [arXiv], open-source code @ |
[29] | M. Lamari, P. Kerfriden, O.U. Salman, V.A. Yastrebov, K. Ammar, S. Forest "A time-discontinuous elasto-plasticity formalism to simulate instantaneous plastic flow bursts". International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 309 (2025) 113171. [pdf] [arXiv] [doi], scripts for FEniCSx simulations @ |
[♞] | B.R. Akula, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov. "Stabilized MorteX method for mesh tying along embedded interfaces". in submission process (2019). [pdf] [arXiv] |
[♞] | B.R. Akula, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov. "MorteX method for contact along real and embedded surfaces: coupling X-FEM with the Mortar method". in submission process (2019). [pdf] [arXiv] |
[♞] | V.A. Yastrebov, Camille Noûs "Adaptive Cross Approximation with a Geometrical Pivot Choice: ACA-GP Method". submitted (2025). [pdf] [arXiv], open-source code @ |
[1] |
"Extended mortar method for contact and mesh-tying applications" [pdf]
[online version] [HAL] PhD thesis by Basava Raju Akula defended on the 4th of February 2019 at Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris, France. Supervisors: G. Cailletaud, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov PhD committee: M.C. Baietto (president), A. Popp (reviewer), F. Lebon (reviewer), N. Moës, V. Chiaruttini, G. Cailletaud, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov. |
[2] |
"Coupling mechanical frictional contact with interfacial fluid flow at small and large scales"
[pdf] [online version] [HAL] PhD thesis by Andrei G. Shvarts defended on the 20th of March 2019 at Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris, France. Supervisors: G. Cailletaud, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov PhD committee: D. Lasseux (president), M. Paggi (reviewer), S. Stupkiewicz (reviewer), J.A. Greenwood, V. Rey, N. Moulin, G. Cailletaud, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov. |
[2] |
"Conductivity of Contact Interfaces: a Multi-Scale Study"
[pdf] [online version] [HAL] PhD thesis by Paul Beguin defended on the 11th of January 2024 at Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris, France. Supervisors: V.A. Yastrebov, S. Forest, C. Ovalle-Rodas PhD committee: M. Ciavarella (president), L. Pastewka (reviewer), S. Chaillat (reviewer), Z.Q. Feng, L. Frérot, S. Forest, C. Ovalle-Rodas, V.A. Yastrebov. |
[1] |
"Continuum damage mechanics: phenomenological description
and simulation of damage accumulation in quasi-brittle materials" [bibtex]
[pdf] Master thesis (in Russian) by Vladislav A. Yastrebov defended on the 25th of June 2007 at St Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia. Supervisors: A.S. Semenov, B.E. Melnikov |
[2] |
"Computational contact mechanics: geometry, detection and numerical techniques" [bibtex]
[HAL] PhD thesis by Vladislav A. Yastrebov defended on the 25th of March 2011 at Ecole des Mines de Paris, France. Supervisors: G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel PhD committee: P. Wriggers (president), P. Alart (reviewer), D. Nelias (reviewer), B.E. Melnikov, J.F. Molinari, F. Compte, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel |
[3] |
"Mechanics and Physics of Contact Interfaces"
[url] HDR manuscript by Vladislav A. Yastrebov defense on the 12th of November 2021 in Ecole des Mines de Paris, France. HDR committee: M.-C. Baietto, D. Kondo, S. Stupkiewicz, V. Popov, B. Audoly, B. Roman, S. Forest |
[1] | V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Damage evolution and crack propagation processes for coupled elasto-damage material: local and non-local approaches" in Proceedings of "Nonlinear problems in Physics and Mechanics of Solids", vol. 9, pp. 157 - 167 (2005). |
[2] | V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Simulation of fracture of quasibrittle materials using coupled elasto-damage model" in Proceedings of the 34th Scientific week at St Petersburg State Polytechnic university, vol. 4, pp. 78-80 (2006). |
[3] | V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Exponential damage law for visco-damage model of quasi-brittle materials" in Proceedings of the 38th Conference Control Processes and Stability 2007 Russia, Saint-Petersburg, 9-12 April 2007, Pub. SPbGU, pp. 227 - 233 (2007). [bibtex] |
[4] | V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Modeling of geometry for non regular concrete type composites" in Proceedings of the 37th Scientific week at St Petersburg State Polytechnic university, vol. 1, pp. 86-87 (2008). |
[5] | V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Rheological model for quasi-brittle material with damage" in Proceedings of the 37th Scientific week at St Petersburg State Polytechnic university, vol. 5 (2008). |
[6] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Traitement des problèmes de contact en calcul parallèle" in Proceedings of the "9e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures" vol. 2, pages 647-653, Giens, France, 25-29 May (2009). [link] [bibtex] [pdf@hal] |
[7] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Enrichment of the contact geometry within the Finite Element Method" in electronic Proceedings of the "10e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures" Giens, France, 9-13 May (2011). [link] [pdf@hal] |
[8] | J. Durand, V. A. Yastrebov, H. Proudhon and G. Cailletaud "Analyse du contact entre surfaces rugueuses par la méthode des éléments finis et par un nouveau modèle numérique" in electronic Proceedings of the "10e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures" Giens, France, 9-13 May (2011). [link] [pdf@hal] |
[9] | J. Durand, V. A. Yastrebov, H. Proudhon and G. Cailletaud "Finite Element Analysis of the Contact between Rough Surfaces" in Proceeding of the "3rd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics", pp. 47-54 Shanghai (Chong Ming Island), China, May 22-26 (2011) |
[10] | D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "Numerical aspects of rate-and-state friction laws" in book of abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Hannover, Germany, 15-17 June (2011). |
[11] | M. Petersmann, M. Fischlschweiger, V. A. Yastrebov, E. R. Oberaigner "The role of the A-M interface energy in the behavior of martensitic phase transformations in shape memory alloys" in Book of abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Material Modeling Paris, France, 31 August - 2 September (2011). |
[12] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari "Aspects of the elasto-plastic frictional contact between self-affine surfaces" in book of abstracts of Materials Deformation: Fluctuations, Scaling, Predictability Les Houches, France, 22-27 January (2012). [pdf@ens-lyon] |
[13] | D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "Interfaces: How the rupture speed of slip fronts is related to the deformation energy" in book of abstracts of Materials Deformation: Fluctuations, Scaling, Predictability Les Houches, France, 22-27 January (2012). [pdf@ens-lyon] |
[14] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari "Contact between rough surfaces: a rigorous finite element analysis" in book of abstracts of EuroMech: New Trends in Contact Mechanics, pp. 117-118 Cargèse-Corsica, France, 26-31 March (2012). |
[15] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari "Analyse statistique du contact entre des surfaces rugueuses" in book of abstracts of the 24e Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie, pp. 20-21 Aix-en-Provence, France, 9-11 May (2012). |
[16] | D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "Simulation et analyse de la dynamique de glissement entre deux corps viscoélastique en contact" in book of abstracts of the 24e Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie, pp. 55-56 Aix-en-Provence, France, 9-11 May (2012). |
[17] | M. Radiguet, D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "Dynamics of Slip Fronts at Frictional Interfaces: Analysis of Slip Precursors and Rupture Velocity" in book of abstracts of the ECGS Workshop 2012: Earthquake Source Physics on Various Scales, pp. 102-103 Luxembourg, 3-5 October (2012). |
[18] | D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, and J.-F. Molinari "Slip dynamics at frictional interfaces: Influence of viscoelasticity and energetic analysis." In Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference Graz, Austria, 9-12 July (2012). |
[19] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Couplage DDD + plasticité cristalline dans un agrégat polycristallin" in book of abstracts of the Colloque Plasticité 2013 Paris, France, 17-19 April (2013). |
[20] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Quelques développements récents en mécanique numérique du contact" in book of abstracts of the 11e Colloque CSMA 2013 Giens, France, 13-17 May (2013). |
[21] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Couplage de codes éléments finis et dynamique discrète de dislocations" in book of abstracts of the 11e Colloque CSMA 2013 Giens, France, 13-17 May (2013). |
[22] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Partial Dirichlet-Neumann method for unilateral frictional contact problems" in book of abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Lecce, Italy, 10-12 July (2013). |
[23] | A. M. Aragon, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "A three-level detection framework for contact mechanics simulations" in book of abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Lecce, Italy, 10-12 July (2013). |
[24] | A.D. Kudawoo, V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "A global parallel detection and resolution strategy for large scale frictional contact problems" in book of abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Lecce, Italy, 10-12 July (2013). |
[25] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, G. Cailletaud, J.-F. Molinari "Contact élastique entre des surfaces rugueuses représentatives" in book of abstracts of the 20e Congrés Français de Mécanique Bordeaux, France, 27-30 August (2013). [pdf@inist] |
[26] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, G. Cailletaud, J.-F. Molinari "Elastic contact between representative rough surfaces" in book of abstracts of the 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2013). |
[27] | M. Liu, H. Proudhon, V. A. Yastrebov "Finite Element Analysis of the Contact Behavior of Rough Surface" in book of abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Material Modelling Warsaw, Poland, 8-11 September (2013). |
[28] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, and J.-F. Molinari "From infinitesimal to full contact between rough surfaces" in book of abstracts of the Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS) Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 3-5 February (2014). |
[29] | V. A. Yastrebov, D. S. Kammer, M. Radiguet, and J. F. Molinari "Dynamic fracture of adhesive vs frictional interfaces" In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Fracture Trondheim, Norway, 30 June-4 July (2014). |
[30] | D. Tkalich, G. Cailletaud, A. Kane, V.A. Yastrebov, and C. C. Li "Tool-rock interaction and drill bit buttons degradation in hard rock drilling" In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Fracture Trondheim, Norway, 30 June-4 July (2014). |
[31] | V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, and F. Feyel "Contact enrichment technique for simulation of wear and complex interfaces" In Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics Barcelona, Spain, 20-25 July (2014). |
[32] | D. Tkalich, V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, A. Kane, and C. C. Li "WC-Co microstructure degradation study in rotary-percussive drilling" In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling. Berkeley, USA, 6-10 Oct (2014). [pdf@conf] |
[33] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, F.S. Mballa Mballa, G. Cailletaud, J.F. Molinari, H. Proudhon, F. Houzé, S. Noël, and P. Testé "Multi-physical contact between elastic and elasto-plastic solids with fractal surfaces" In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling. Berkeley, USA, 6-10 Oct (2014). [pdf@conf] |
[34] | F.S. Mballa Mballa, V.A. Yastrebov, F. Houzé, G. Cailletaud, S. Noël, H. Proudhon, and P. Testé "Multiscale modeling of electrical contacts" In Proceedings of the Multi-physics modeling of solids Paris, France, 6-8 October (2014). |
[35] | A. Sergeant-Boy, A. Mangeney, E. Stutzmann, J.P. Montagner, L. Moretti, O. Castelnau, and V.A. Yastrebov "Source Inversion of Glacial Earthquakes" In Proceedings of the AGU fall meeting San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December (2014). |
[36] | V.A. Yastrebov "Dynamique des systèmes à l'élasticité asymétrique et discontinue" In book of abstracts Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2015 Paris, France, 17-19 March (2015). [pdf@conf] |
[37] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari "Leakage through the contact interface between elastic solids with random rough surfaces" In book of abstracts IV International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Hannover, Germany, 27-29 May (2015). |
[38] | R. Lethiecq, H. Proudhon, V.A. Yastrebov, V. Mandrillon, D. Vicard "Study of the effects of the heterogeneities on the electro-mechanical responses of a complex system" In book of abstracts Mechanical Issues for Advanced Electron Devices Workshop Grenoble, France, 29-30 June (2015). [pdf@conf] |
[39] | V.A. Yastrebov "Elastodynamic Frictional Contact Between Dissimilar Materials: Stability of Slip Initiation and Propagation " In book of abstracts 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference Madrid, Spain, 6-10 July (2015). [pdf@conf] |
[40] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari "Elastic contact between representative rough surfaces" In book of abstracts 42nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology Lyon, France, 6-9 September (2015). |
[41] | V.A. Yastrebov, S. Forest "Mechanical contact between rough elastic-plastic solids: scale effect in deformation of asperities" In book of abstracts 52th SES technical meeting Texas A&M, College Station, USA, 25-29 October (2015). |
[42] | A. Sergeant, V.A. Yastrebov, O. Castelnau, A. Mangeney, E. Stutzmann, J.P. Montagner, J. Burton "Numerical modeling of glacial earthquakes induced by iceberg capsize" In book of abstracts AGU fall meeting San-Francisco, USA, 14-18 December (2015). |
[43] | A. Sergeant, V.A. Yastrebov, O. Castelnau, A. Mangeney, E. Stutzmann, J.P. Montagner, J. Burton "Numerical modelling of iceberg calving force responsible for glacial earthquakes" In book of abstracts European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April (2016). |
[44] | D. Tkalich, V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, A. Kane "Multiscale mechanical modeling of cemented tungsten carbide in hard rock drilling" In book of abstracts 9th Annual US-France Symposia of the International Center for Applied Computational Mechanics (ICACM) Compiègne, France, 1-3 June (2016). |
[45] | B.R. Akula, V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud "Development of advanced numerical methods in contact mechanics for aerospace applications" In 1e Journée des Doctorants Safran Tech Safran Tech, Magny-les-Hameaux, France, 23-24 June (2016). |
[46] | T. Sakimoto, J. Besson, Y. Madi, V.A. Yastrebov "Modeling of Slant Ductile Fracture in Drop Weight Tear Test (DWTT)" In book of abstracts 21st European Conference on Fracture 2016 Catania, 20-24 June (2016). |
[47] | A. Sergeant, V.A. Yastrebov, O. Castelnau, A. Mangeney, E. Stutzmann, J.P. Montagner, J. Burton "Numerical modeling of iceberg calving and implications in seismic waves generated" In book of abstracts 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics Paris, France, 6-10 June (2016). |
[48] | A. Sergeant, V.A. Yastrebov, O. Castelnau, A. Mangeney, E. Stutzmann, J.P. Montagner, J. Burton "Numerical modelling of iceberg calving and implications in generated seimic waves" In book of abstracts 35rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (GA ESC) Trieste, Italie, 4-10 September (2016). |
[49] | D. Tkalich, V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, A. Kane "Multiscale thermo-mechanical modeling of cemented tungsten carbide in hard rock drilling" In book of abstracts 8th Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM) Conference Dijon, France, 9-14 October (2016). |
[50] | A. Sergeant, A. Mangeney, V.A. Yastrebov, O. Castelnau, J.P. Montagner, E. Stutzmann "Investigation in the iceberg capsizing force responsible for glacial earthquakes and ice-volume discharge estimation from seismic records and a numerical modeling" In book of abstracts AGU Fall Meeting 2016 San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December (2018). |
[51] | B.R. Akula, V.A. Yastrebov, J. Vignollet, G. Cailletaud "Domain tying across virtual interfaces: coupling X-FEM with the Mortar method" In book of abstracts CSMA 2017: 13e colloque national en calcul des structures Giens, France, 15-19 May (2017). |
[52] | A.G. Shvarts, V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud "A strong fluid/structure coupling scheme for thin incompressible flow in the contact interface at the roughness scale" In book of abstracts CSMA 2017: 13e colloque national en calcul des structures Giens, France, 15-19 May (2017). |
[53] | A. Sergeant, A. Mangeney, V.A. Yastrebov, O. Castelnau, J.P. Montagner, E. Stutzmann "Investigation in the iceberg capsizing force responsible for glacial earthquakes and ice-volume discharge estimation from seismic records and a numerical modeling" In book of abstracts European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April (2017). |
[54] | T. Sakimoto, J. Besson, Y. Madi, V. Yastrebov, S. Igi, R. Ikeda "Simulation Of Ductile To Brittle Transition From Slant Ductile Crack In Drop Weight Tear Tests" In book of abstracts 4th International Conference on Fracture Rhodes, Greece, June 18-23 (2017). |
[55] | D. Tkalich, V.A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud "A multiscale approach applied to constitutive modeling of WC hardmetals" In book of abstracts of the conference Advanced Problems in Mechanics Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 22-27 (2017). |
[56] | A.G. Shvarts, V.A. Yastrebov "A strong coupling scheme for the thin fluid flow through the contact interface between wavy surfaces" In book of abstracts of the conference 5th International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Lecce, Italy, 5-7 July (2017). |
[57] | B.R. Akula, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov "Frictional Contact and Wear Along Virtual Interfaces: Coupling the Mortar Method with the X-FEM" In book of abstracts of the conference 5th International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Lecce, Italy, 5-7 July (2017). |
[58] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, A.G. Shvarts, J.F. Molinari, G. Cailletaud "Modeling creeping flow through a closed crack with a self-affine geometry and an extension to permeability of cracked media" In Proceedings of the 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Paris, France, 9-13 July (2017). [doi] [pdf] |
[59] | V.A. Yastrebov "Elastodynamic Sliding Of A Layer On A Flat Under Coulomb's Friction: Velocity Dependence, Opening Waves And Supersonic Slip Pulses" In book of abstracts of the conference 44th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2017). |
[60] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari "The Role Of Nayak's Parameter In Elastic Contact Of Rough Surfaces" In book of abstracts of the conference 44th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2017). |
[61] | A.G. Shvarts, V.A. Yastrebov "The Contact Between Rough Surfaces In Presence Of A Fluid Flow In The Interface: A Strong Coupling Scheme" In book of abstracts of the conference 44th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2017). |
[62] | F. Pérez-Ràfols, V.A. Yastrebov, A. Almqvist "Metal-to-metal Contact Between Rough Elasto-plastic Solids In Loading And Unloading With Application To Static Seals" In book of abstracts of the conference 44th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2017). |
[63] | B.R. Akula, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov "Contact along virtual interfaces: coupling the X-FEM with the mortar discretization" In the book of abstracts 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Stuttgart, Germany, 11-13 October (2017). |
[64] | D. Tkalich, V.A. Yastrebov, A. Kane, G. Cailletaud "Multiscale Wear Modelling Of Cemented Tungsten Carbide Tools In Hard Rock Drilling" In book of abstracts of the conference Computational Modeling of Complex Materials Across the Scales, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Paris, France, 7-9 November (2017). |
[65] | P. Bonnet, A. Sergent, V.A. Yastrebov, A. Mangeney, O. Castelnau, J.-P. Montagner, E. Stuzmann "Mechanical Modelling of Iceberg Capsize Constrained by Seismic Inversion" In book of abstracts of the POLAR 2018, SCAR & IASC Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 15-26 June (2018). |
[66] | V.A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.F. Molinari "An Interplay of Nayak and Hurst Parameters in Mechanical Contact of Rough Surfaces" In book of abstracts of the Contact Mechanics International Symposium, Sanctuary of Oropa, Italy, 16-18 May (2018). |
[67] | B.R. Akula, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov "Frictional contact and wear along virtual interfaces" In book of abstracts of the Contact Mechanics International Symposium, Sanctuary of Oropa, Italy, 16-18 May (2018). |
[68] | A.G. Shvarts, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov "Trapped fluid in contact interface" In book of abstracts of the Contact Mechanics International Symposium, Sanctuary of Oropa, Italy, 16-18 May (2018). |
[69] | B.R. Akula, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov "Frictional contact and wear along virtual interfaces" In book of abstracts of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 11-15 June (2018). |
[70] | V.A. Yastrebov "Wave propagation through contact-based elastically asymmetric materials" In book of abstracts of the 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna, Italy, 2-6 July (2018). |
[71] | A.G. Shvarts, V.A. Yastrebov "Monolithic approach to the coupling of the contact between rough surfaces with the interfacial fluid flow" In book of abstracts of the 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna, Italy, 2-6 July (2018). |
[72] | B.R. Akula, J. Vignollet, V.A. Yastrebov "Contact along Virtual Interfaces for Wear Simulation: Coupling the X-FEM with the Mortar Discretization" In book of abstracts of the 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, New York, USA, 22-27 July (2018). |
[73] | P. Bonnet, A. Sergent, A. Mangeney, V.A. Yastrebov, O. Castelnau, P. Queutey, A. Leroyer, J.-P. Montagner, E. Stuzmann "Estimating the Volume of Capsizing Icebergs with Seismic Data" In book of abstracts of the AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 10-14 Dec (2018). |
[74] | P. Bonnet, V.A. Yastrebov, A. Mangeney, O. Castelnau, P. Queutey, A. Leroyer, A. Sergent, E. Stuzmann, J.-P. Montagner "Estimating volumes of capsizing iceberg: mechanical modelling of capsize constrained by seismic signals" In Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 21, EGU2019-15329, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April (2019). |
[...] | ... |
[75] | Deyo Maeztu Redin, Paul Guillot, Vladislav A. Yastrebov, Laurent Corté. Tribological properties of the lubricated interface between hydrogel fibres and bone tissue In 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials, Bordeaux, France, 4-8 September (2022). |
[76] | D. Texeir, Q. Sirvin, M. Jullien, H. Proudhon, V. Yastrebov, S. Forest, M. Legros. Experimental and numerical investigations of nanoindentation properties at the sub-grain level in Ni-based and Ti-based polycrystalline alloys Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VIII, Le Méridien Lav Split, Split, Croatia, October 2-7 (2022). |
[1] | 38th Conference Control Processes and Stability 2007, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 9-12 April (2007), oral presentation |
[2] | 9e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens, France, 25-29 May (2009), poster presentation |
[3] | 1st International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, Lecce, Italy, 16-18 September (2009), oral presentation |
[4] | IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, 16-21 May (2010), oral presentation |
[5] | 10eme Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens, France, 9-13 May (2011), oral presentation |
[6] | CECAM: Brittle Fracture at the Atomic Scale, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, 16-19 May (2011) |
[7] | Materials Deformation: Fluctuations, Scaling, Predictability, Les Houches, France, 22-27 January (2012), poster presentation |
[8] | EuroMech: New trends in Contact Mechanics, Cargèse, France, 26-31 March (2012), oral presentation |
[9] | ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April (2012), invited talk |
[10] | 24 Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie, Aix-en-Provence, France, 9-11 May (2012), oral presentation |
[11] | Colloque Plasticité, Paris, France, 17-19 April (2013), poster presentation |
[12] | 11e Colloque CSMA, Giens, France, 13-17 May (2013), oral presentation + invited talk |
[13] | 3rd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, Lecce, Italy, 10-12 July (2013), oral presentation |
[14] | 20e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, France, 27-30 August (2013), oral presentation |
[15] | 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2013), oral presentation |
[16] | Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS), Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 3-5 February (2014), not present. |
[17] | 20th European Conference on Fracture, Trondheim, Norway, 30 June-4 July (2014), oral presentation. |
[18] | 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, 20-25 July (2014), oral presentation. |
[19] | 7th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Berkeley, USA, 6-10 October (2014), not present. |
[20] | Predictive approach of sealing, Paris, France, 13 October (2014), invited talk. |
[21] | International Workshop on Dislocation Dynamics Simulations, Saclay, France, December 10-12 (2014), poster presentation. |
[22] | 18e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Paris, France, 17-19 March (2015), poster presentation. |
[23] | Contact mechanics and coupled problems in surface phenomena, Lucca, Italy, 30 March - 2 April (2015), oral presentation. |
[24] | IV International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, Hannover, Germany, 27-29 May (2015), oral presentation. |
[25] | 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Madrid, Spain, 6-10 July (2015), oral presentation. |
[26] | 42nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, 7-9 September (2015), oral presentation. |
[27] | 52nd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Sciences (SES), Texas A&M University, USA, 26-28 October (2015), invited presentation. |
[28] | CMIS 2016: Contact Mechanics International Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, 11-13 May (2016), oral presentation. |
[29] | ICTAM 2016: 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, 21-26 August (2016), invited presentation. |
[30] | Journées annuelles du GDR DYNOLIN (Dynamique Non Linéaire), ENSTA-ParisTech, Palaiseau, France, 10-11 August (2016), opening lecture. |
[31] | Micro/Nanoscale Models for Tribology, Lorentz Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands, 30 Jan - 3 Feb (2017), organizer. |
[32] | GDR MéPhy, Workshop on "Programmable Matter", ESPCI, Paris, France, 7 June (2017), oral presentation. |
[33] | 6th Biot Conferences on Poromechanics, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and IFSTTAR, Paris, France, 9-13 July (2017), oral presentation. |
[34] | Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2017), two oral presentations. |
[35] | 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Stuttgart, Germany, 11-13 October (2017), invited presentation. |
[36] | Computational Modeling of Complex Materials Across the Scales, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Paris, France, 7-9 November (2017), oral presentation. |
[37] | 21e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Paris, France, 27-29 March (2018), poster presentation. |
[38] | Contact Mechanics International Symposium, Sanctuary of Oropa, Italy, 16-18 May (2018), oral presentation. |
[39] | 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Bologna, Italy, 2-6 July (2018), oral presentation. |
[40] | 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, New York, USA, 22-27 July (2018), oral presentation. |
[41] | CECAM Workshop "Modeling tribology: friction and fracture across scales", Lausanne, Switzerland, 28-30 January (2019), oral presentation and round table. |
[42] | 14e Colloque CSMA, Giens, France, 13-17 May (2019), oral presentation. |
[43] | VI International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, Hannover, Germany, 3-5 July (2019), keynote lecture. |
[44] | Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, France, 26-30 August (2019), oral presentation. |
[45] | 4th Workshop on Predictive Sealing, Pont du Gard, France, 2-3 October (2019), invited lecture. |
[46] | International Workshop Contact Mechanics and Friction - Foundations and Applications, Berlin, Germany, 14-17 October (2019), oral presentation. |
[47] | 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Paris (virtual), France, 11-15 January (2021), online oral presentation |
[48] | 24e Rencontre du Non Linéaire, Paris (virtual), France, 24-26 March (2021), online oral presentation |
[49] | 6th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2021, Valencia (virtual), Spain, 7-9 July (2021), online mentoring session |
[50] | 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Milan (virtual), Italy, 22-27 August (2021), online oral presentation |
[51] | Workshop "Advances in ELAstoDYNamics, NonLinear mechanics and Stability of architected materials and structures", Créteil, France, 18-19 November (2021), oral presentation |
[52] | 15e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA), Giens, France, 16-20 May (2022), scientific committee, oral presentation and organization of CSMA Juniors Workshop |
[53] | Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS), Chexbres, Switzerland, 23-25 May (2022), scientific committee and oral presentation |
[54] | Les nouveaux modèles d'édition, Institut Henry Poincaré, Paris, France, 28 June (2022), invited presentation for JTCAM |
[55] | Journée Optimisation Topologique, Dijon, France, 30 June (2022), invited presentation |
[56] | 7th World Tribology Congress, Lyon, France, 10-15 July (2022), two oral presentations |
[57] | Publier autrement : l'épopée d'Episciences et des overlay journals, Lyon, France, 30-31 March (2023), round table with JTCAM, see [photos] |
[58] | ECCOMAS Young Investigator Conference, Porto, Portugal, 19-21 June (2023), two round tables, scientific committee, mini-symposium organizer, oral presentation. |
[59] | International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, Torino, Italy, 5-7 July (2023), scientific committee, oral presentation. |
[60] | Workshop on Ductile Fracture & Alan Needleman's 80, Paris, France, 28-29 September (2023), photographer, see [photos] |
[61] | The 57th Meeting of the Society for Natural Philosophy: Complex Material Structures, Natural and Architected, Paris, France, 16-18 October (2023), oral presentation. |
[62] | 16e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA), Giens, France, 13-17 May (2024), oral presentation. |
[63] | 11th Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS) , Lyon, France, 22-24 May (2024), missed. |
[64] | 9th European Computational Mechanics Conference (ECCOMAS) 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 June (2024), oral presentation and mini-symposium organisation. |
[65] | 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) 2024, Vancouver, Canada, 21-26 July (2024), keynote presentation. |
[66] | 8th International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM) 2025, Munich, Germany, July 2-4 (2025) |
[67] | 12th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC) 2025, Lyon, France, 7-11 July (2025) |